Together we can make a difference

To improve the health and wellbeing of older and vulnerable people in North Belfast using innovative community led approaches that will reduce isolation and loneliness, promote independence and a fulfilling life.


CLARE CIC is a Community led organisation working within North Belfast that enables vulnerable adults and older individuals to maintain their independence and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Want to know more? Press on the button below. 


We provide on-the-ground services, with the heart of CLARE being Community Social Work. From living support, to health & wellbeing, to getting service users out and socialising with other like-minded people.

Find out how we can best support you and your loved ones by pressing on the button below. 


CLARE CIC is a niche community social work organisation working to empower older people in North Belfast to live life to the full for as long as possible. Our services are free to users and we rely on public funding and the goodwill of the community. Demand outstrips supply and we are constantly trying to find new ways to meet needs. By donating to CLARE, you are helping us to help those who we care for.

Why Us?

A Multi-Faceted Approach

Our diverse team members bring a range of expertise to CLARE CIC. With Community Social Work at the heart of what we do, we also tackle nutrition, wellbeing, isolation & loneliness. From one-to-one consultations to fun and dynamic groups, CLARE has it all.

10 Years of Experience

at promoting independence, choice and control through individual support, reducing early reliance on adult health & social care services and enhancing existing services to achieve the best outcome for our service users.

We care, a lot

CLARE CIC works closely with Belfast Health & Social Care Trust to enable adults and older people to maintain their independence. We also work closely with our service users, providing them with the support they deserve and require.

Volunteer with us!

We are looking to expand our incredible team of volunteers. From befrienders, shoppers, occasional drivers, to creatives – we couldn’t do it without you. Never underestimate the power of a cuppa tea & a chat!


Complete the  Volunteer Form


Our Volunteer Coordinator with be in touch and guide you through the rest of the process


You will be paired with your service user depending on your role, interest and hobbies – then the fun begins!

Our Address

166 – 180 Mount Vernon Park, Belfast, BT15 4BJ